Eliminate Blind Spots, Change Beliefs, Elevate Performance

As the CEO of The Pacific Institute, Mark focuses his efforts on driving human performance in individuals, teams and organizations.  A well-recognized TED Talk presenter with over a million views, Vistage and YPO speaker, and author, Panciera has appeared on ABC’s Wall Street Journal Report, CNBC, in Forbes, New York Times, Miami Herald, with featured articles in USA Today and Inc. Magazine. 

Mark Panciera

Blind Spots

A blind spot is a form of cognitive bias that can prevent us from achieving our full potential. When blind spots are identified and eliminated, individuals become aware of their true potential. It is the responsibility of leaders to take the initiative to help their people uncover these blind spots so they can move forward and reach their full potential.

Beliefs Drive Performance

Beliefs dictate our performance every day -they are the deciding factor between success and failure. The ability to switch your beliefs from those that limit you to liberating ones is the key to unlocking the potential of your performance.

Ignite Business

Igniting the potential of any business starts with unlocking the potential within each individual, inside the organization. This requires more than just an understanding of the needs of your business. It requires a genuine belief that the future success of your team members is just as critical to you as that of the company itself.


Client Testimonial.

“Mark was very focused on understanding the challenges and interests of the group to align his talk. I received feedback from the CEO, President, CFO, and many of the executives on the value of his talk. We now recognize the impact "Beliefs" have on Performance and Values.”

John Maxwell

Navy Seal Training

Steven Covey


If an organization wants to generate more revenue, retain top talent and  grow their sales, they must focus on motivating their leaders to illuminate the path of potential for every individual. Performance increases exponentially when people feel that their leader is dedicated to helping them achieve a better future than what they have today, creating an environment where innovation, risk-taking and perseverance are embraced. When everyone in the organization IS ROWING IN THE SAME DIRECTION, from the leader down to the individual employees, each person's potential can be realized -- leading to increased success for not only the individual but also for the organization as a whole.

Hire Mark to come speak to your leaders